Year: 2023
Friday 24 November 2023
The 15m races will start at 5:50pm and don’t require any official nominations. Please just have your little ones on deck ready to go before then.
Other Nominations close Thursday night at 6PM.
Nominate via Swim Central.

- 25m Back
- 50m Back
- 25m Breast
- 50m Breast
- 25m Fly
- 50m Fly
- 25m Free
- 50m Free
- 100m Breast

Thank you to all the parents that consistently sign up to help out. We would love to see some new parents help out too where possible. If you will be there on Friday night, please consider signing up to help share the load. It would be great to see all of the positioned filled early in the week rather than having to do last minute call outs on Thursday and Friday. 🙂
A huge part of what make club nights fun is the general club community atmosphere. To make this event a success we need parent volunteers to help run the BBQ and the timekeeping / marshalling. Not only is it a great way to support your child and club, but it is also a fantastic way to meet other parents too. We can’t run club night without your help!
Friday 17 November 2023
Nominations close Thursday night at 6PM.
Nominate via Swim Central.

A huge part of what make club nights fun is the general club community atmosphere. To make this event a success we need parent volunteers to help run the BBQ and the timekeeping / marshalling. Not only is it a great way to support your child and club, but it is also a fantastic way to meet other parents too. We can’t run club night without your help!